40 Under Forty: Alex Lechuga

Manufacturing Director, Plumberex Specialty Products Inc. and Airex Manufacturing Inc.

Kathy Strong 40 under Forty 2014


Alex Lechuga
Manufacturing Director, Plumberex Specialty Products Inc. and Airex Manufacturing Inc.    
Age: 32


Alex Lechuga arrived in Palm Springs at age 7, when his family moved their manufacturing business to Thousand Palms.

“My parents own several patents, and I manage the manufacturing of our patented products,” Lechuga says.

He also works on product design and market potential for new products. Manufacturing parts to fulfill the demands of more than 4,000 wholesalers nationwide is a 24/7 business, according to Lechuga.

“This year we started distributing to Home Depot as well,” he says.

Lechuga holds the distinction of being a certified “master molder” in injection molding, one of only 2,500 in the world. Constantly working on new products that will help diversify the business in different industries, his future plans include adding more robotics into their factory.

“I am somewhat of a geek,” admits Lechuga. “I read textbooks on plastics, manufacturing, and engineering in my spare time.”


VIDEO: Alex Lechuga says he is quite a political junkie.