
August 2017 Horoscopes

Sherryl Nova Horoscope


Aug. 23–Sept. 22
Retrograde Mercury is in Virgo Aug. 12–Sept. 5. Born in retrograde? Gung-ho, baby!
Not retrograde? Get your papers in order, declutter, finish old projects, and establish a healthier lifestyle. While you are alone, do not be lonely.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22
Open your mind to the big picture and accurately predict your own future. There is a simpatico 
vibe among a group and certain alliances within 
it. This activity feeds your aspirations. Make the 
most of a fortuitous time. Have gratitude.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21
You are pregnant with a creative endeavor. Time 
to yourself strengthens 
the magical something-from-nothing essence that portends a better tomorrow. Meet marketplace demands in your own terms and in your own time.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21
How is Saturn’s delayed-gratification principle treating you? When the five senses scream louder than logic, do you listen? Are you willing to accept serious new responsibility? Get rid of the clutter on a chaotic list of goals.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19
In the Peggy Lee part 
of the cycle we sigh, “Is that all there is?” Maybe so. Keep dancing, and know you can be supported by work from the past. You feel stirrings for a new life, but the old one is still there for you. Appreciate the security and dare to dream.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18
Spiritual worth grows 
as you invest in the less fortunate. My mother used to say, “The Lord helps those who help themselves.” Make a judgment call as 
to whether you are taking 
on responsibility or supporting honest efforts.

Feb. 19–March 20
Your master-teacher status demands that you become the student. 
When properly humble you will attract advisers. In short increments you will leap mental obstacles to see the path clearly. Good time for a style update. You will know how.

March 21–April 19
Go out and play. Quality R&R is a must to restore balance. Emotional reactions have attacked your spirit. An impulsive road trip will calm fears 
and enable you to see a meaningful alliance on 
your broader horizon. 
Have confidence.

April 20–May 20
Benefit from the application of psychological principles in your day-to-day grind. Support your mind and understand your emotions. Don’t attempt to add reason where there is none. Inner work is more effective than altering externals. Be patient.

May 21–June 20
Renegotiate some old agreements. Where there is imbalance, know the situation wastes time. Self-affirming decisions are not judgmental; be true to self first. Letting go provides space for proper alliances.

June 21–July 22
The Crab has gut instinct and mother wit. Heed your feelings. See young souls and works 
in progress; nurture those who appreciate your efforts. Know that sometimes all they need is a sandwich. Small gestures are effective.

July 23–Aug. 22
The Mars challenge: Be positive, kind, loving, beneficent, heartfelt, entertaining, and loyal. Negative and proud, 
self-absorbed, elitist, childish, egocentric, and a hater; is this good or bad? The answer lies in how you choose to react to present challenges.

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for a look at 
your year ahead.