
Look Back to the Future

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

Mercury is in retrograde three times a year for an average of 66 days. In the early days of my practice, I often gave potential business clients the 411 on retrograde Mercury. After a year or two of testing the stats, many were ready for more involved charting, as the information was precise and useful. If you were born retrograde, these times are golden for you. There are no absolutes in this work, as every chart is unique. Retrograde is from Oct. 13 to Nov. 2. Make it work for you. For a personal reading, e-mail me at [email protected].

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A need to withdraw from proximity in relationships works to your advantage. Highly reflective and critical, time apart clears up your perspective. Your absences will boost desirability. Image has nothing to do with personal power. Look beyond appearances and consider hidden motivations. Current players are not the usual suspects.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A few well-timed maneuvers, launched from the security of the eagle’s nest, effectively promote your causes. You have moved mountains; know it is not necessary to be acknowledged. In fact, the lower the profile, the deeper the influence. Nurture a creative endeavor with passion and wit. Others will be generous with resources.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

White noise of a new consciousness will continue to be the burr under the saddle of your progress. You realize that you are about to jettison an entire body of thought about a part
of life you thought was carved in stone. For a moment you freeze, afraid of a daunting new commitment. Join the rebels. You know they have the truth.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

An alliance has you supportive of personal growth, both yours and theirs. They will hear much better without the usual sermons and will get it when you drop the subject and begin to live it. Probe your psyche to locate where you have overstepped your responsibility. Stay too long and you miss the ending. Disconnect to free your soul.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

As heroes and muses come crashing from pedestals, you curse recent waves of intuition. It’s not your style; you would rather represent the concept than the process. Yet the ennui of feeling like the biggest of the little kids should encourage you to invest in new tools for psychological strength. Order brings satisfaction. Clean it up.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

To the extent that you have prepared, the fruits of your harvest are ready. Working with others, you have come to a level of credibility that fosters strong alliances. No matter what it looks like, they are working with you, not for you. Stay humble to take advantage of a wave of empathy that propels you to new heights.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Now is a lunar cycle of epidemic proportions for the ram. The saline tides of your biorhythms spike emotional reactions. Cravings and exhaustion rule. Nest. Though season beckons, retreat. Your warrior nature hibernates through the first of the year. You are not critically ill. Settle in to downtime and you will prosper.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Restless vibes should ignite wanderlust. Impromptu trips on two tanks of gas provide a whole new attitude. Stay sharp and quickly respond to communications; there’s a bonus for a prompt reply. Street image is important; detail the car. Invest in a couple of items that will wow ’em in winter. If you feel that a new dawn is nearing, it’s true.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Real estate is key to a reorganization of the whole financial picture. Others are correct when they admire your resources, even though you tend to ignore them. Some are studying you to test your understanding of a big project. Your decision is crucial to the direction of the future.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Always more comfortable with lab than lecture, conditions support your need to waive positive thinking for logical application. Take advantage of the generic movement toward cultural and business progress. New systems boost your effectiveness in the marketplace; make friends with new technology. Host a working party.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

An old value system that rated your worth according to a long-held standard is no longer viable. If you are brave enough to tackle change with gusto and optimism, you will turn the corner. Out of the chaos rises a new foundation, with limitless opportunity. If the fruit of the tree is gone, it’s time to move on. New best friends love you.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Saturn’s in Virgo. You have two and a half years to become accountable for a new and stronger purpose. Data collection is essential for forward progress. A community project requires your attention and expertise. Totally unrelated goals will be met through your willing involvement with the greater good. Volunteer.