Horoscope – November 2008

Coming to Our Senses

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

Pluto leaves Sagittarius on Nov. 26, not to return for hundreds of years. Good news for us all. We have spun out of control with too much Fire. Sense will return. Many individuals will have an opportunity to work for themselves. If you are ready to be responsible for your success, with a strong backup of proven systems, 2009 will be stellar. For a personal reading, e-mail me at [email protected].

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Self-promotion is essential now, as many are ready for your administration and formulas. Using your recently improved communication system, you will connect with a group whose finished product will debut at year’s end. A cause higher than yourself will increase your bankability in the marketplace. Return calls quickly; there’s no time to lose.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Time management will make you or weakly serve you. With Jupiter money, you can’t lose; but with Mars instability, you may miss the main chance waiting for the best option. Immediately make a list, starting with most important. Ignore ego-building projects; they are tender traps. Take responsibility for lifestyle choices, and trim the fat.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You can go faster with the right help. Intern types are too much trouble now, invest in premium personal assistance. Things must be done your way, to the extent of grueling classroom time to get everybody on the same page. Make extra effort to teach anyone who needs it. It returns tenfold. Simply be still and answers appear.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Cultivate spiritual strength. Spend time alone in a peaceful mood. Let go of resentments from an old cycle. Painful situations have morphed into gold stars on your resume. Stay under the radar. In six months, you will shine in a fabulous new group, and you will lead in a new way. Welcome a fallow season. Breathe.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
There is constant pressure to forge ahead with the task that is only yours. There is an extreme potential for success and a high risk of it all blowing up because you are not organized. It’s time to be the personal assistant you have always wanted. You are supported in every area but this. Be sharp and ready.

Aries (March 21-April 19)
There are behind-the-scenes maneuverings that must be tended to, although everything seems ready. Make sure all understand where (and who) the power is. It’s a very strong administration cycle; hire and train. A silent partnership will forge ironclad bonds that support the new endeavor. Create a happy boot camp.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Go into the community and find a cause that calls to you, where you can utilize some natural abilities for the greater good. Give of your time and money selflessly. It will make you feel more alive and will be a serious commitment that you will maintain for a while. Improve the quality of your life with a work of pure love.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Search sales and outlets for items that refresh your image. Give a lot of thought to how you appear to others. Changes made now are very effective, especially with those who provide personal services in the areas of grooming and health. The focus will prepare you for an intense winter social season. A mentor hides in the shadows.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Expansion possibilities are overrated now, but only because you cannot skip steps. Tempted to rush ahead, you will tend to miss small details that are ultimately crucial. The right help is available, but not all share your far-reaching vision. Gently guide your helpers with proper appreciation for their abilities. Don’t tug on little plant shoots. Chill.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Current Mars shows you all the kingdoms of the world, and it is easy to see darkness and waste. Guard your psyche from the moons of Mars, Phobos (Fear), and Demos (Panic). Simplify your environment, and schedule periods of contemplation. Unexpected good fortune arises from a charitable act. Focus on others to regain peace.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Intense communication with siblings and your community provides impetus to start ambitious projects. A meeting you have been putting off must be scheduled. You have so much more to contribute than you realize. In all negotiations, be firm in your estimation of your worth. An ambivalence as to remuneration will stall the process. Be firm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
A short trip leads to creative brainstorming and new responsibilities that you can carry out from the home front. A home office is essential; make improvements in anticipation of doing the big deal in your bathrobe. Beautify the domestic environment; it pays you back with business bonuses. Plan a holiday bash; hosting serves you well.