January 2016 Horoscopes

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Skirmishes and coups in the world are a learning experience. Identify an opposing faction gaining ground and align with its principles. Times will be good when the ashes are cold.  When the dust clears you will know a significant truth that requires a 180-degree turn. Do not fear the unknown.

(Feb. 19–March 20)
A major alliance seems so close — but not yet. You have so much baggage on your side of the scale you can’t be seen clearly. Streamline. A new simplicity draws to you what you require for the future. You are different and so are your needs. Live empty for a moment.

(March 21–April 19)
Participation in multicultural endeavors will contribute to a new confidence. Be willing to send and receive information and accept responsibility for content. Master teachers bless you with seemingly innocuous sound bites that have deep meaning. Celebrate a recent Harvest. You did it.

(April 20–May 20)
Out of the rubble of a recent annihilation, you will find seeds for a new paradigm. In letting go you will triumph. You are not only “not dead,” but also stronger, tempered. You are now immune to what almost took you down. Self-control builds the new you.

(May 21–June 20)
Your intense gaze on another’s situation has brought forth answers. You preach best what you also need to learn. Direct those conclusions to your inbox. Feeling like the biggest of the little kids? Soon you will cease baby-sitting and become small among the big. Get ready.

(June 21–July 22)
Sharp analysis has shown you hidden motivations. Handle with awareness of your own process and don’t allow it to darken your perspective. Knowledge should not hold power.  Savor the joy of discovery. Be patient. Wrongs will be righted.

(July 23–Aug. 22)
Some long-held values are fading. You now see what has true worth, not just good press. In fact, do not trust the media. Continue to question everything and be conscious of all manifestations. They clearly reflect core desires. What you want, wants you.

(Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Jupiter in your sign demands expansion of the big picture. Growth is indicated, but it is that of a hoarder.  You are out of room for growth. The farmer kills every other plant shoot, so the rest can live. Simplify to renew acceleration.

(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
When you consider what others think, you dilute your own theories, and weaken your resolve. You have new information that, when shared, elevates your position in the marketplace, You are now considered emeritus. Live up to it.

(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
That which is “fixed” usually works for eagles. But when the fixed type changes, it’s like “the King is dead, long live the King.” Time to obliterate a piece of your schedule so that your nature rises like the New Bird straight to the sun. Know the strivings of Icarus in your story.

(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
The power you seek is within you. When you control yourself, your reactions belong to you and you build power. With a quiet surety you build a constituency that allows you a bottom line judgment call. There is ultimate control. Living well is the best revenge.

(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Mars and Jupiter enrich your creativity and force the birth of new endeavors. When others are willing to share they indicate you have paid your way. The alignment refers to a gestation period. Treat yourself well for a healthful outcome.


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