
Oversized egos and mass-produced illusions

Ironically, the oversized ego — the illusion of your exception — is a classic example of a mass-produced illusion.

Arnold Siegel Health & Wellness


Manifesting your subjectivity in the form of an oversized ego harboring mass-produced illusions but, at the same time, not recognizing yourself doing this, you wind up dominated by this condition, as well as by your sense that you are an exception to this cultural programming. Ironically, the oversized ego—the illusion of your exception—is a classic example of a mass-produced illusion.

Essential to right-sizing your ego and freeing yourself from this mass phenomenon is your ability to get over the notion that you are an exception to its influence. However, unless you take up a developmental discipline to overcome this mindset of your exception, you cannot help but be dominated by your oversized-ego’s relationship with the expressions of the mass-produced illusions. It is this sense of exception that isolates you from enjoying, indeed celebrating, your life. Not surprisingly, quietly thinking ourselves an exception weighs heavily upon each of us.

Providing a modern ontology to address the illusion-filled, mass-produced mindset, the developmental discipline of Autonomy and Life introduces new reaches of expression. As it creates space and provides distance on the phenomenon, the assumptions, weaknesses and deadening protocols inherent in the mass-produced illusions become apparent to us, as do the irresponsible and rivalrous responses that reflect the oversized-ego’s notion that it is an exception.

When the development of your autonomy takes into account the means and ends of this discipline, you will find that you are no longer beholden to your oversized ego and the mass-produced illusions it harbors. You will find yourself with the space for independent and moral choice. You will find yourself living a life as expansive as the reach of your imagination, your courage and your love will allow—an achievement that will give new depth, connection and value to your life.

Arnold Siegel is the founder of Autonomy and Life and the leader of its Retreat Workshops and Advanced Classes. Visit autonomyandlife.com for more information.