Palm Springs Horoscope – June 2014

Moving Forward One Step at a Time

Sherry Nova Horoscope

Mercury goes retrograde June 7, a seemingly backward motion the planet makes through the sky. The 80 percent of us who were not born during a retrograde period often find it to be frustrating in a “two steps forward, one step back” kind of way. Those born retrograde tend to accomplish much now, starting many projects and making important connections. Remember, if we all shared the same cycle, we would swing off our orbit and crash into the sun. For a personal reading, email me at [email protected]


Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Retrograde Mercury backs into Gemini, and left-right brain types are inundated with the mutability of options. Best not to think aloud; those nearby will question your sanity. Mars in air is supportive of concepts and theories; brilliant flashes are possible. Give yourself until next month to finalize plans. Crucial information manifests at the 11th hour.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Mars square can be uncomfortable. Water retention and extreme emotional reactions are probable, and you are calmer and more productive in the safety of your nest. Others will miss you if you go away, and you will impress by your absence. Go within to regenerate; answers appear in the silence.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

When you feel lack this month, focus energies on the needs of others. Giving back frees your mind from worries and expands your consciousness to the solution level. Saturn’s stresses are difficult, attacking a sense of self-worth. Don’t waste these precious days in nervous self-absorption.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

There is much support for current projects, but not much praise. You are in the middle of a cycle that demands a revised plan of action. A calm energy can work wonders. While wins seem insignificant, you are making progress. Financial concerns may lag but will make up for lost time next month.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Mars in Libra (through July) is uncomfortable when you hold yourself and others to impossible standards. You  strive for balance in all things and for sorrows over injustice. Avoid insincerities and flattery; they will sneak back to bite you. Do not suffer fools gladly; leave gatherings that irritate you. Soothe your soul by improving the aesthetics of your environment.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Saturn in your sign for so long is exhausting as you work to build a sense of self in the marketplace. Flighty Mars blocks progress by telling us what we want to hear instead of harsh reality. Focus on renewal of the spirit. Secrets are powerful; play your cards close. Patience is key.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

This is a time of gestation and nurturing a cherished goal; you are not prepared to initiate action. Hold dreams and plans close, and know that all will unfold in due time. A radical change in personal style is most effective now. Rid the closet of ill-fitting, out-of-season looks.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

The big picture excites others, and the enthusiasm is warranted. However, neglect of the details could sabotage the end result. T-crossing and i-dotting are essential. Parental skills will save the day; nurture and structure until there is secure movement. Curtail overenthusiastic spending. Delayed gratification means more rewards later.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Martian-Libran vibes create a sense that anything is possible. But Saturn throws a curve with unexpected tasks. Hard work can be debilitating; safeguard your body and soul and create a structure that encourages self-sufficiency. Next year can be as pleasant as this one is hard.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

Creative types surround you with much to offer. You alone still do the work, so there comes a time when no more input is necessary. Alliances will be inclined to share resources now, and that can be more effective than actual efforts. An unexpected opportunity requires a split-second decision and pays off handsomely.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Mars makes this an intensely social time; those you didn’t see last year woo you. Develop these relationships; they will be important. An old alliance must be phased out; your time and efforts have no influence over irrational or destructive behavior. Bless them and send them on their way. Create a space for new beginnings.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Keep to your course and ignore the chatter of those who think they know what’s right for you. Rest and conserve your energy for serious work. Train your mind to stay positive; negative vibes lurk in frustration. Consider a “staycation.” Physical concerns deserve research. Be proactive in health.