lucille ball desi arnaz

Amy Poehler Explains Why We Still Love Lucy and Desi

The comic actor-turned-director discusses the film she’s made about the legendary couple behind the timeless sitcom I Love Lucy and how it felt to answer Lucille Ball’s questions.

Jeremy Kinser Arts & Entertainment, Current Digital

Amy Poehler, the comic-turned-director, chats about her upcoming Amazon Prime film on the legendary couple, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.

billy van zandt

Aging Not So Gracefully

Billy Van Zandt and company poke fun at what ails men as they age in "The Boomer Boys Musical", Feb. 11-13, at the Palm Springs Cultural Center.

Carl Schoemig Arts & Entertainment, Current Digital

Billy Van Zandt and company poke fun at what ails men as they age in “The Boomer Boys Musical” this month at the Palm Springs Cultural Center.