J. Smeaton Chase

Desert Dreamers 11: The Writers

Their vivid descriptions of the desert seduced artists, developers, adventurers, and luminaries to the burgeoning expanses of Palm Springs and beyond.

Steven Biller Arts & Entertainment, History

Their vivid descriptions of the desert seduced artists, developers, adventurers, and luminaries to the burgeoning expanses of Palm Springs and beyond.


Desert Dreamers 7: The Architects

Their works continue to awe and inspire, and the group is adding members.

Kent Black History

This edition of Desert Dreamers focuses on the Palm Springs architects whose works continue to awe and inspire, and continues to add new members thanks to a resurgent interest in modernism over the last two decades.

desert dreamers 5

Desert Dreamers 5: The Eccentric Visionaries

There is no doubt that the limitless possibilities offered by the desert often attract the most eccentric personalities. But it would be a mistake to call them crazy. It sometimes takes a generation or two to discover the genius of a nutball.

Kent Black History

In Desert Dreamers 5, there is no doubt that the limitless possibilities offered by the desert often attract the most eccentric personalities.