Stones of Leo

August 2018 Horoscopes

Sherryl Nova Current PSL, Horoscope

Stones of Leo

LEO: July 23–Aug. 22

This year has challenged your heart. Those you truly love — kids, pets, and projects — have touched your last nerve. Give your blood pressure a break. Let go of the extraneous. Loyalty is futile if true love is absent. Broken hearts will heal. Believe.

VIRGO: Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Coco Chanel said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” The Virgo has no need for this advice. But your life’s ensemble has a least one redundant accessory. Lighten a little.

LIBRA: Sept. 23–Oct. 21

Use the home to regroup, regenerate, and release. A few simple changes make the domestic space sacred; consider a bird feeder or water feature. Meanwhile, you foster your effectiveness behind the scenes.That’s where you find the power position.

SCORPIO: Oct. 22–Nov. 21

It is obvious we are not victims but volunteers. Losers want your attention and would appreciate it if you would shoulder the blame. Addiction to their drama is voyeuristic. Let go.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22–Dec. 21

You may be sending mixed messages because of a decision to change that you have not yet implemented. Reserve your opinion in a volatile discussion. Listen.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Earth elements denote logic, reasoning, and discipline, so take time to prove your worth in dirt. Curb your spending, except to invest in yourself. Delayed gratification pays off through Thanksgiving. If you are austere now, you’ll set yourself up for great results next summer.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 20–Feb. 17

Apply Columbo-like detective skills to an unruly group. Say little and ask questions. Ulterior motives become clear in the answers. Manipulation is not your forté, but a close associate can do the job for you. Work best occurs from the shadows through Thanksgiving.

PISCES: Feb. 18–March 20

Get out of your own way. Hire help for an important project. Stewing over the bottom line wastes time. Avoid heavy lifting. Enlist the best vendors. Just do it.

ARIES: March 21–April 19

To grow personally, be your own shrink. Obstacles in alliances have arisen because you do not have the correct data. Was it presented, but you did not hear? Listen more. Answers will be revealed.

TAURUS: April 20–May 20

Retrograde Mars has you putting out fires and maybe starting a few. Those who ignore legalities or signed contracts threaten the structure of a group. Base all statements on lawful premise. Withdraw from conflict.

GEMINI: May 21–June 20

Recent concepts have promise. Leave the “lecture” and enter the “lab.” How will you apply this genius? Application of the idea is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Commit or recuse. Choose.

CANCER: June 21–July 22

Next year brings a re-entry into the world. You are the race car in the pit. Sharpen your skills and your game. Feel like you are babysitting? Soon you will level up and become one of the big kids. Prepare now.

Visit for a look at your year ahead.

John Porter Clark was the lesser-known partner in the midcentury architecture firm Clark & Frey. (Albert Frey gets all the ink.) A native of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Clark moved with his parents as a teenager to Pasadena, graduated from Cornell University in 1928, and came to Palm Springs to open a satellite office for the Pasadena firm Van Pelt and Lind.


His local legacy includes the coveted ranch-style houses of Smoke Tree Ranch and the low, flat rooflines of Palm Springs City Hall and Palm Springs Aerial Tramway’s Valley Station.