PSST – Blown Away!

Site Staff Arts & Entertainment

When Tarinan von Anhalt spattered paint on the gold leaf-plated representation of the heraldic fawn of Margarete Klingler’s Austrian hometown in the Alps, master goldsmith and sculptor Klingler applauded. Oddly, Klingler brought the 6-foot Golden Chamois to Palm Springs specifically for that purpose. Even more unusual was von Anhalt’s method of application: using the blast of air from a jet engine to disperse the paint.

Intelligencer – April 2009

Site Staff Arts & Entertainment

San Soucie Art Glass Studios in Palm Desert provided glass for three locations at the 55-story Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park in New York, including a suspended ceiling in the lobby with 4,065 square feet of hand-carved glass. The company also carved the U.S. presidential seal on a glass panel for the USS George H.W. Bush, the final Nimitz-class aircraft Arcadia Press.

PSST – Word Association

Site Staff Arts & Entertainment

Moya Henderson, who has edited a historical calendar for the Palm Springs Historical Society for 30 years, has published a book of images in the historical society’s collection that cover Native Americans, pioneers, transportation, the early community, the beginning of tourism, and entertainment.

PSST! — Intelligencer

The Best of the Coachella Valley and Beyond.

Site Staff Arts & Entertainment

Palm Springs Art Museum, Opera Showcase of the Desert, Happy Chickadee, Kraft Nabisco Championship Celebrity Pro-Am, Copley’s on Palm Canyon, Teco Pottery, Mel Haber, Les Dames D’Escoffier.

Mission: Mud House

Coachella Valley Museum surveys the area’s adobe structures

Ann Japenga Arts & Entertainment

The Coachella Valley once was dotted with hundreds of adobe houses, but most have washed away, collapsed, or been bulldozed. In recent months, some classics were slated for demolition. But economy-wary developers allow us a last chance to see these structural gems.