november 2019 horoscopes

November 2019 Horoscopes

Emily Chavous Foster Current PSL, Horoscope

november 2019 horoscopes
Scorpio: Oct. 23–Nov. 21

You ponder the “it’s not fair” conundrum and the imbalances where there should be cohesion and self-control. Transferring energy to a clean new space answers many questions. Learn what you want.

Sagittarius: Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Louise Hay said that too much going on is the onset of illness. Clear your plate. Speed for its own sake creates chaos. Month’s end has the answers. Until then, chill.

Capricorn: Dec. 22–Jan. 19

It can be a special time with so many Earth influences. Use Taurus (reasonable values), Virgo (analysis and applied 
systems), and Capricorn (responsibility and management). Be fiscally wise and psychologically sound. Accept only your responsibilities.

Aquarius: Jan. 20–Feb. 18

The darkness of the end of the previous age deeply affects you, as you live for the future. Your planet is freedom, and you must understand what being free means to you. In troubled times, remember: All is love.

Pisces: Feb. 19–March 20

Your sensitivity makes you a natural empath, but you must be able to tune out what distresses you. Study the phenomenon of faith creating miracles. You are capable of wonders and healing self and others through momentary mysticisms.

Aries: March 21–April 19

No matter the fire raging within, if you want to win, be accommodating, passive, and conciliatory. Jockeying for position may jeopardize gains. Take on unmet goals. Be aware of a partner’s contribution. Be patient.

Taurus: April 20–May 20

A vendor or service 
provider has outlived its usefulness and should be replaced. Close to goal achievement, you can upgrade the final result with better help. Apply this: Nothing but the best will do.

Gemini: May 21–June 20

Focus on your image. You cannot communicate the message without a hook. An audio-visual presentation gets attention. Be a light: Lead by quiet example. They will see.

Cancer: June 21–July 22

You have reached a time of compilation, where many concepts coalesce. Others will become involved as a common denominator becomes evident. Your market is of a new consciousness.

Leo: July 23–Aug. 22

Break from the daily hustle to take additional responsibility for your health. Reset lifestyle habits that no longer serve you. Live simpler.

Virgo: Aug. 23–Sept. 22

While sitting at the feet of a master, you realize that you have a significant contribution to make. Initiate new parallels in the dynamics of a small group. Base leadership on synthesis of many talents.

Libra: Sept. 23–Oct. 22

It’s time to look at the club, neighborhood, and local group dynamic. By contacting various factions, you get a “big picture” that will unify many with a common cause. Be willing to go on short trips to ignite new perspective. Shine.

Visit for a look at your year ahead.

Mercury in Transit

Before sunrise on Veterans Day (Nov. 11), the planet Mercury will begin passing between the Earth and sun. After the sun rises around 6:15 a.m., we’ll be able to see (with the proper safety equipment and magnification) Mercury move across the face of the sun in what’s called a transit. The planet will move off of the face of the sun shortly after 10 a.m. You should try not to miss it. The next transit won’t be until 2032 — and even then it won’t be visible here. The next transit of Mercury observable from the Coachella Valley will be in 2049.

Eric McLaughlin
Each month, the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory astronomer spotlights a notable celestial event. For information about the observatory, visit

Missed your horoscope last month? Here are past horoscope forecasts.