october 2016 horoscopes

October 2016 Horoscopes

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

october 2016 horoscopes

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Some basic teaching skills will get your point across and all are enlightened.Give some thought to, and make a decision on, the bottom line. Know when to give it away, and when to invoice reflecting the true value of the offering. You’re the only
one for the job.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Hard work, usually not your cup of tea, is necessary to back up your brilliance. Dig in with enthusiasm, as you can rapidly build a platform for your big message. Approaching Master Teacher status, realization that you can carry the message enriches your spirit.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Mars with the goat can be productive or paralyzing, depending on how you handle fear, a tool of the god of war. The war is within. What are you afraid of? What is repressed anger doing to your timeline? A personal boot-camp lifestyle produces the breakthrough.

Jan. 20 –Feb. 18

Your incredible intelligence is at risk of shorting out. Take moments to just exhale. Pause and simply be grateful and you get your power back. A major responsibility you have taken on is not yours to assume. Realize your mistake and withdraw. Much better.

Feb. 19–March 20

If ambition were a college you would be moving from lecture into lab. You literally have all that you need to know for the next step — application. Utilize data to create, produce, and inform. A tight structure grows smoothly. Know you are at the top of your game.

March 21–April 19

A passionate, behind the scenes alliance nudges a latent creative urge. What do you have to lose? If not now, when? Those of diverse cultures are harmonious, the blend contributes to the unique appeal. Enjoy the thrill of the cutting edge. Gently lead.

April 20–May 20

Mars in Earth supports your dogged deliberate decision to utilize patience and stay the course. Obstacles remain, but are mere ghosts of their former selves. You are so near the summit. Energy drains looking back. Honor a mental gestation with quality down time..

May 21–June 20

Not much longer for the biggest of the little kids. Babysitting/management duties have run the course and it’s time to contemplate being the littlest of the big kids. Recent alliances indicate looking across or up rather than down. Appreciate the experience.

June 21–July 22

The “kids” in your environment show love for your crabby nurturing. Lighten up and go out and play. They hold secrets for making it all more fun. Create a firm structure that will let you leap out of the box when the light goes on. Purpose makes hard work easy..

July 23–Aug. 22

Choosing an open, flexible response will demolish an implacable obstacle, and detonate a paradigm shift. Breathe in and out twice slowly before the reply. Mantra: I will speak my truth. A marketplace demands transformation of emotion to concept and logic. Do it.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Focus on the “to file” pile. A couple of really significant issues are languishing amid the busywork. If you use this time to get organized, fall and winter will be spectacular. An opportunity to upgrade the domicile contributes to an ambitious professional plan.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Venus, your planet, provides the skill of “attractiveness.” Your finger is on the pulse of the masses. You know what they want. Create an image that instantly sells and furthers your agenda. Remember: Libras tell you to go to hell and you look forward to the trip.

Visit sherrylnova.com for a personal look at your year ahead.