Palm Springs Horoscopes – December 2009

As Empire Crumbles, Much Can Be Accomplished

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

As Empire Crumbles, Much Can Be Accomplished
Confluences affect everyone. Notice the suspicion and jockeying for position. Groups with like-minded purposes benefit through using the law effectively. Empires will crumble. It’s a great time to break off from the herd and be an individual. Aquarians are not employees; they are self-employed. Hire yourself. Acquire associates and allies. Establish precedents. Create a new network. Any focused movement is positive. Now is the time when much can be done. For a personal reading, e-mail me at [email protected].

SAGITTARIUS  (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
An implicit understanding with a higher-up is really about your intrinsic worth. You are probably impatient with the rate of progress. When restless, consider that you are doing too much too soon and creating a false sense of timing. Slow down! The response time of others is not on your rapid-fire biorhythm. Pull yourself away from the situation to give others space and cool your jets.

CAPRICORN  (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Extended quiet hours in a nourishing space will renew you. The best holiday celebrations are low key and meaningful. Have some real communication with those you speak to every day. Pay attention to your personal projection; much will soon depend on the impression that you make. What you believe makes you strong. Humanitarian consciousness will enhance your soul and lifestyle.

AQUARIUS  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You should be buzzing with electromagnetic vibes. You are the hub of a dynamic wheel in which everybody has their own agenda, and that’s OK. You can be a catalyst for new alliances simply through an introduction. Those you know should know each other. Manipulate the holiday social season to these ends. There will be incredible payoff throughout the next year.

PISCES  (Feb. 19-March 20)
You will be overextended socially. Pleased by the nod to your popularity, you will be tempted to make promises you can’t keep. This will not be good for your image. Better to make early regrets graciously. You are more powerful by your absence. Some have taken you for granted with no time limits. They won’t miss the water till their well runs dry.

ARIES  (March 21-April 19)
Rule or get off the throne. There are pretenders who would have you know they are rocks, but really they are sand. Don’t get the royal ego involved. You’ll find yourself thinking “Don’t they know who I am?” Probably not, so why are you wasting time? Be at the top of your leadership game, even if all the troops are you. You will progress.

TAURUS  (April 20-May 20)
It’s an unlikely time for spring cleaning, but that’s for the general population. Categorizing and storage demand your attention. In attacking this long-overdue overhaul, you will achieve a state of mental Zen that opens up the new vision. If you’re raggedy at home, it will eventually show when you are in the streets. Order should precede further progress. In other words, do your chores before you go out to play.

GEMINI  (May 21-June 20)

The sin of coveting is given in two commandments: nine and 10. We commit sins against the self when we covet. And we all do it. Now is a great time for you to banish the act of coveting. Do not want what you cannot have. Pray to desire only peaceful being.

CANCER  (June 21-July 22)
Don’t grab for the quick buck now if there is greater possibility in the long-term investment. Withhold goods and services until you get your price. And you will. Demand for your input is at an all-time high. Do not let them know you are hungry. The image must be serene. Financial novellas surround you. Instead of stressing, be entertained.

LEO  (July 23-Aug. 22)
Mars in Leo makes for a lot of roaring these days. Suddenly a beautiful meadow turns into a thorn in your paw. Too much too soon makes for a panic reaction, but relax. More time is needed for plans to mature. Flirtation and fun can dominate your holidays, especially if you take things lightly. Be generous with praise and appreciation.

VIRGO  (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Spiritually, you are between projects and haven’t got the energy for total application. It’s a good time to nest and putter with small issues that improve your day-to-day life. Soon you will feel on track again, with an enriched plan for the future. Can you let someone close take care of you for a short while? They have probably already volunteered, as they see imbalances.

LIBRA  (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
The balance of power in a social/business group is shifting rapidly. Enemies become allies, and carved-in-stone agreements disintegrate. After a long fallow time, the playing field is energized with new participants, and you are more in demand. A dynamic new partnership will materialize shortly after you have made a solid decision to let go of one that is obsolete. Soon the dance card is filled with new fans.

SCORPIO  (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Use increases in funding to handle a public relations situation. You will be most effective behind the scenes, where you can apply your influence. You can afford to be magnanimous with opposition. By spring you will have achieved a long-held goal; the quality of your patience now will contribute to later success. A generous account, client, or supporter assures you that your ideals are viable and will help.