September 2015 Horoscopes

Sherryl Nova Horoscope

Designed by Candice Held, the Sunscope pendant features all 12 zodiac signs. The pendant can be ordered in several materials, such as Antique Bronze, shown, and Antique Silver. $560;
Photo courtesy of Candice Held


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Difficult reactive patterns may convince you to spend more quality time with yourself. When you retreat, gain strength in your path and purpose. Above all, say no. Libras can tell you to go to hell; you look forward to the trip. By withholding when you are uncertain, you gain self-awareness. Consider your needs first to be effective.


(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Waiting for change is unbearable. Consider that you may be enmeshed in a fixed situation where you have been bobbing like a balloon on the ceiling. Don’t forget: You are the one with the advantage of movement. If it is scary, with no controls, and filled with the unknowable, the audacious dream — it’s probably right. Destroy in order to rebuild. Embody the Phoenix.


(Feb. 19–March 20)

At the culmination of the most important “Lecture” period of your life, you must now go directly to the “Lab.” It’s up to you to prove recent theories and concepts in real life. Sperm (concept) energizes egg (application). In an Egg Time, work constantly toward growth. Develop a structure for how things will be done. Administrate the process, taking full responsibility. Trust yourself.


(March 21–April 19)

After a long period of introspection you are ready to apply some theories suggesting progress beyond survival. This level of experience qualifies you to take new action that is more in accordance with your core beliefs. It no longer matters what others think. You have enough information to blaze your own trail. Acknowledge master teachers who have enlightened you. Proceed.


(April 20–May 20
Recent loss of alliances have provided space for proven newcomers to fill the void. A search for a home prompts you to consider where your roots will thrive. Trust the power of shared resources that come with new connections. Set long-term goals involving significant others. Start your gradual, steady ascent to relevance in the marketplace. You have partners. Utilize them.


(May 21–June 20)

You are close to a major alliance within a year. The catch is that you will get who you are. Libra seeks to balance. Where you are fearful, they are, too. Where you are prepared, they will be ready. Your psychological stability and general health will match, as will your baggage and unfinished business. So, be your highest and best self for partnership success.


(June 21–July 22)

Long-held skills require a new translation, and you can reintroduce an old practice with a new perception. Dormant potential activates a different image, and it’s your job to be the messenger. An opportunity to provide input at the highest level creates a solid qualification to lead the way. Share your skills generously so others can grow. High-level service is lucrative.


(July 23–Aug. 22)

Conservative changes in your basic values seem restrictive but will eventually be a benefit. You are directed toward downsizing, streamlining, and simplifying. Bored with the process, you are weighed down with the accumulation of accomplishments. Strive to live simply. This will be reflected in your image and you will draw to yourself those who can support your dreams. Prove less is better.


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Your recent spiritual growth — serenity, vision, acceptance, release — have cleared the decks for a more realistic and satisfying experience. As you separate business and emotion, your decisions are more focused. Soon, unnoticed potential flashes on the radar, and you have confidence in your abilities. Happy new starts manifest when you attract the right associates.


(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Because you are usually self-sustaining, it behooves you to wander in the crowd looking for like-minded individuals to contribute to the cause. Networking means you are two contacts away from your intent. Network skills are sharp. You are two contacts away from a solution. Goal achievement is in sight, so don’t retreat. Stay in the fray.


(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

In this season of goal achievement be aware. Some aspects are truly over and should be appreciated but shelved. Others can be handed off to competent followers. Ponder the Eastern concept: “He who stays too long misses the ending.” Heed the blank rune. Leap empty-handed into the void. Nature abhors a vacuum, and what is right will take the space.


(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Take your ambition to a higher place. Apply daily business to global requirements and take part in a movement for healthy change. You’re natural administrator; taking responsibility for a serious concern boosts basic trust in yourself and attracts those who can help. Mentor someone and seek a master for yourself. What you know is the prerequisite for winning.

Email [email protected] for a personalized, in-depth reading.