Gonna Take a Sentimental Journey

Look forward to the responsive potential we would like to possess as a result of our thinking

Arnold Siegel Health & Wellness

Sentimental Journey is ostensibly about the heart wanting what it wants when it wants it. And it’s about the yearning, second-guessing reminiscences that at some point down the road may accompany the choices we make.

Love is a Many-Splendored Thing

We don’t measure love’s quality scientifically

Site Staff Health & Wellness

Love is fulfilling. Yet what it inspires in us is not an antecedent truth born of nature and culture but the creative excitement of who we may become. It is a splendor. A receptivity. An attending to. A bond. A promise.

A Fight for Love and Glory

We can choose: Our song. Our story. Our fights. Our glory.

Arnold Siegel Health & Wellness

The song, “As Time Goes By,” suggests that the realization of all human ambition depends on the same old story, a win in the fight for love and glory.

The story of your life

Arnold Siegel.Thoughts on Autonomy and Life.

Arnold Siegel Health & Wellness

Think of your private or subjective voice being your authentic self. It is the voice of a self that is easily compromised or lost, unfortunately. You may not know exactly when this subjective voice started but no doubt you were very young—just beginning to think. And it’s a voice whose narrative of hope and fear and desire has continued every day since.

A thoughtful balance

Autonomy and Life

Arnold Siegel

Autonomy and Life is a new discipline that imaginatively captures history’s evolving design of the self to enable each student to create and work toward goals tailored to individual temperament, talent, sensibilities and circumstances.