Rearview – Learning Firsthand

Fifty years ago, anthropologist Lowell Bean moved to the desert to live among the Cahuilla Indians

Ann Japenga History

Fifty years ago, anthropologist Lowell Bean moved to the desert to live among the Cahuilla Indians

Rear View – Life of a Cowboy

Johnny Boyle sang his way into local hearts

Ann Japenga History

It’s 1939 and you’re shivering in a gray, eastern city when into town rides a tanned cowboy with a gap in his teeth. His name is Johnny Boyle; his sidekick is a lanky cut-up named Frank Bogert. They drag a barbecue out of their woodie station wagon and pretty soon the steaks are on and Johnny is tossing the lariat and singing in his heavenly baritone about finding cool water in the desert.

Going Green: Space Savers

Working quietly and almost invisibly, the Desert Mountains Land Trust is acquiring and protecting land for wildlife.

Ann Japenga Home & Design, Real Estate

Working quietly and almost invisibly, the Desert Mountains Land Trust is acquiring and protecting land for wildlife.