Celebrating its 25th year, Palm Springs International Film Festival enjoys its place as a go-to destination for Academy members and starry-eyed visitors
Ellen Paris
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The New Age of the 401K
Gone are the days when companies offered generous employer contributions to their employees’ 401(k) plans. In the 1980s, Forbes magazine matched employee contributions dollar for dollar.
Not Your Parents’ Plan
“Baby boomers are completely rewriting retirement for today’s realities,” says Chuck Underwood, founder and principal of The Generational Imperative, a Cincinnati-based consulting firm.
Wealth – The Feel-Good Effect
In the Coachella Valley — where almost 1,000 nonprofit organizations raise money to heal, education, serve, and inspire — charitable giving is a way of life.
Equal Marriage
Since the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act same-sex couples should tend to important financial details that will have long-ranging effects.